I have recently changed the login logo and URL for the WordPress Admin panel, here’s the code:
* wordpress login logo change
function my_login_logo_one() {
<style type="text/css">
body.login div#login h1 a {
background-image: url(/your-own-logo-image); //Add your own logo image in this url
background-size: 295px 80px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-bottom: 0px;
} add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', 'my_login_logo_one' );
* wordpress login logo URL change
function my_login_logo_one_url() {
return home_url();
add_filter( 'login_headerurl', 'my_login_logo_one_url' );
function my_login_logo_one_url_title() {
return 'Your Site Name and Info';
add_filter( 'login_headertitle', 'my_login_logo_one_url_title' );