Distracted? 11 Hacks That Will Help You Focus


Sound familiar? If procrastination and a lack of focus are problems for you, check out the infographic below by Anna Vital, information designer at Funders and Founders. These 11 tricks to help you get your focus on, if you can pay attention long enough to remember them. Some Cliff’s notes: Classical music and pets are helpful, a cluttered desk and an uncomfortable chair are not.

Check out the rest of the advice and get to work.

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4 Reasons Why an Online Business is the Best Investment You Will Ever Make



Entrepreneurs are a rare breed of individuals who are constantly exploring new business opportunities. Some seek out new opportunities on their own while others are constantly being pitched new ideas.

The majority of opportunities, no matter how good they might sound, end up being a complete money-sucking nightmare due to expensive overhead, slow scalability and low margins. Online businesses, however, can be very appealing because they don’t have the traditional hurdles that most new ventures face. The following are four reasons why online businesses are the best investment entrepreneurs can make. Continue reading

Product Owner or Product Manager?


Can one person be both a Product Owner and a Product Manager? After spending nearly three years combining the role, I have now come to the conclusion that the answer is no.  It is an “or” – you are either a Product Owner OR a Product Manager.  Now, that is not to say that one cannot grow from one role to the other, but trying to perform both functions at the same time can be counter-productive.  Here are the reasons that have led me to this conclusion.

ProductOwnerRelationships Continue reading

The Politics of Agile


In the world of agile software development, it seems like Marketing and Development are in a race for control of ‘the product.’ Who will win? The flakes in Marketing or the geeks in Development?beingagile

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8 Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis


Do you have RA?

by Tammy Worth

RA joint

Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious autoimmune disease that attacks the joints and other body parts.

But RA can be tough to diagnose. Symptoms can mimic other illnesses, or they may flare, then fade, only to flare again somewhere else. Lab tests aren’t perfect—you can test negative for RA factors and still have it. And X-rays don’t show signs until later on.

Here are some tricky rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and hints that they’re due to RA and not some other condition.

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10 Calculated Risks That Lead To Startup Success



There is an old saying that good lawyers run away from risk, while good businessmen run towards risk. Entrepreneurs see “no risk” as meaning “no reward.” In reality, all risks are not the same. Many risks can be managed or calculated to improve growth or provide a competitive edge, while others, like skipping quality checks to save money, are recipes for failure.

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